Some people don’t even realize when they are anxious. “I’m just a worrier” they might say. That is just the way I am. Or everyone in my family worries; I often lose sleep over things which I can’t get out of my mind. Many times people do not even know how long this pattern has been going on. They know of their parents and how they used to worry and maybe a grandparent but, have no idea how long worrying has been in the family. No one in the familly may have ever used the word anxiety.
I’m happy to say there is a different way to live. Getting 8 hours of sleep is not just a possibility but, it can become your reality. If you have been so anxious you are having bad dreams or nightmares you are not alone. There is real hope for peaceful sleep. If you have stomach problems due to constant anxiety; you can learn how to decrease this pattern and release the pain you are stirring up for yourself. Give me a call and let me know what you are anxious about (even if it is about calling). We will set an appointment and you can be on your way to better health and a happier life.